Do you have someone in your life who is obsessed with the stock market and investing? Then this post is for you! Here are 8 gift ideas for someone who is a Wall Street fanatic!
Short on time? Jump to the gift idea of choice:
After gifting ourselves financial literacy, my husband starting doing everything he could to understand the stock market. I’m still in the intro phase, but he has jumped right in with stock simulations, reading books, watching YouTube videos, listening to podcasts, etc. His increasing desire to learn investing and watching CNBC and Bloomberg on his lunch breaks, made me think about different ways I could encourage his new interest.
So one day I went down the Amazon rabbit hole to find some gift ideas to keep in my arsenal for father’s day or his birthday. After compiling my list, I thought, why not share my ideas with you in case you need some gift ideas for the stock market investor in your life.
1. Books to Expand Their Knowledge
For those just learning the stock market, there are a lot of books that teach the basics. Check out my post on gifting financial literacy to recent graduates for a list of those books. For the everyday investor looking to up their game, they might enjoy more advanced books about investing.
My husband beat me to the punch and purchased some books recently. He just finished reading INTRINSIC: Using LEAPS to Retire Early in one day. He thoroughly enjoyed the book and was taking notes in the margins. It discusses the more aggressive approach to investing to retire early.
Another suggestion is the Stock Trader’s Almanac, which provides trading strategies based on past patterns and is organized like a calendar to keep you on top of upcoming opportunities, like quadruple witching. If you can wait until the end of October for this gift, the author, Jeffrey A. Hirsch, is releasing the 2022 Almanac later this year that you can pre-order now.
Other books my husband has on his list based on recommendations from his Reddit groups are: Stock Trading & Investing Using Volume Price Analysis, which contains 200 illustrative examples of trades; and Technical Analysis For Dummies, which breaks down market theories and formulas – great for the real stock market geek!
For the investor who wants to live on the edge and start day trading (which is a full-time job and shouldn’t be entered into lightly), think about gifting Amazon’s #1 Best Seller, How to Day Trade for a Living. If your investor likes to be at the forefront of the next big thing, then your investor may want to learn about Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT). Did you know Twitter founder Jack Dorsey sold his first tweet as an NFT for $2.9 million? WOW! To set your investor on the right NFT path, think about gifting NFT Investing for Beginners to Advanced.
I hope one or all of these books will be a big hit with the stock market lovers (and make them some money!).
2. Stock Trading Journal
My husband writes notes down on the backs of used paper which just frustrates my organized self! After some research, I learned about trading journals and the many benefits of maintaining one. A trading journal helps a stock market investor build confidence and manage risks.
Whether a passive or aggressive investor, everyone should have a place to write down their options plays, stock trades, or even just what they were feeling when they bought or sold a stock. Trading journals are great to keep everything organized and document the wins (and losses).
It is also an excellent tool to not only monitor your money in the market but help visualize whether an investment strategy is working. There are a number of options out there for journals, such as the ones pictured here. This could be a great companion gift with one of the stock trading books discussed above.
I know what you are thinking, why not just use an Excel sheet! But there’s just something special about putting pen to paper and journeling the triumps and errors in one’s investing journey. Seeing the numbers, hopefully going up!
However, if an online experience is preferable, I recommend gifting a subscription to TraderSync. This online trading journal uses artificial intelligence to watch your trading style, highlighting patterns and/or mistakes. It is pricey, with the entry plan starting at $29.95 month, but the reviews speak highly of this platform and indicate that it can be used from beginners to the experienced.
3. The Bull & The Bear
As I had to quickly learn, stock market enthusiasts will throw around two words a lot: Bull and Bear. Now while I thought my husband was talking about going to the zoo, I soon realized these were important terms for our investments. A bull market is when the stock market goes up aggressively. A bear market is the opposite, meaning there’s a steady decline in the market. The use of the terms bull and bear to describe stock market conditions derives from how they attack.
Since an investor will be fascinated with these two animals, why not gift them something with these symbols? There are so many options here. Display pieces, bookends, cufflinks, pop sockets for phones, and if you choose a liquor-themed gift, check out the bull decanter – it’s pretty amazing! Either way, let the animals lead the way!
4. Funny T-Shirts
Depending on the occasion, and your giftee’s sense of humor, a funny shirt might just fit the bill. Sometimes serious investors need a break from it all and just have a laugh, and these gifts will definitely do that. Here are some options that I recommend, but if you search funny stock market gifts, you will be sure to find a plethora of options that will fill your need to include funny coffee mugs too!
5. Inspiring Artwork
When someone needs to get focused on a task, it helps if they can set the mood. Maybe it’s the lighting, maybe it’s an essential oil diffuser, or maybe it’s music. Studies have shown that people working in environments with wall art, work faster and are more productive. So consider gifting your investor some wall art that gets their mind right for the bullish (see what I did there!) task ahead.
As I discussed in an earlier post, I love monopoly for a whole list of reasons. So of course I fell in love with the art pieces from Alec Monopoly. If you can’t score one of his
pieces, check out Ikonick for their unique monopoly art pieces. If you want to do a bull and a bear theme gift, look into beautiful oil paintings like these ones.
Some other wall art ideas I found on my Amazon rabbit hole search involve quotes, trading patterns, and historical S&P 500 charts.
This gift would be a great combo with any of the other gifts mentioned in this post, but especially with this next one.
6. Decision Makers
Every investor whether active or passive struggles with decisions. When the
market is going up, do you sell or buy more? This gift not only serves as a paperweight and a nice desk decoration, but it’s a funny usable gift to help ease those decision-making moments.
One option is even, “Ask mom!” Think of it as the Wall Street fidget spinner!
7. Board Games
Stock market fans love playing with money, but it can be stressful. To help them blow off some steam, get off the computer, and still engage their competitive spirit, gift them fun Wall Street-inspired board games. It’s good clean fun for the whole gang. And, if your investor is trying to teach their kids financial literacy, these games can help prepare the next generation of investors.
For example, The Stock Exchange Game is a family-friendly game for ages 10+ and up and teaches basic stock concepts up to strategies like hostile take-overs. The Pit is another fun game simulating a trading floor and includes a bell! My 2-year-old would love that!
8. Stockpile Gift Cards
This last gift idea is for the investor who has it all or just won’t like the gifts discussed above. Sometimes, keeping it simple is the best gift. I introduce to you Stockpile, a digital brokerage firm that lets you purchase a gift card redeemable for stock ownership. You can purchase a gift card for any value between $1 to $2000 for any stock you want to gift, like Amazon or Apple, or you can let your giftee choose.
And the best part is Stockpile allows you to purchase fractional shares, as discussed in my financial literacy post. This is a great gift for the investors who have the passion, but maybe need a push to jump in the investing fun. Or maybe your investor is someone who is so focused on building their portfolio that a Stockpile gift card is the only gift that will put a smile on their face. Either way, you can’t go wrong with gifting investing to your investor!
With the everyday person’s interest in the stock market increasing day by day with apps like Robinhood, watching our money grow in the stock market can be exciting. But, as the old adage goes, money can’t buy happiness. With these gifts, you can create memories and experiences.
Maybe it’s learning something new from a book, family fun time playing a board game, or a conversation starter art piece. Who knows what can come from these gifts – maybe your investor uses the decision-maker to buy a stock that soars! Either way, these gift ideas celebrate the investor in your life and keep them on an inspired path.
And don’t forget, you can always combine gifts. For example, you can team up a trading journal with a Stockpile gift card. Talk about a stock market starter set! I hope these ideas make your next gift shopping trip easier. So go ahead and start ordering!
And, Gift the Unexpected.
Good read….cute gift ideas for the guy obsessed with stock market !!
Thank you so much!